Indigenous Peoples Rights' and Projects

Course start date and registration

This course is led by senior practitioners in the subject area.

The course is now open for registration, course delivery starts in October 2024.

About the course

The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to Indigenous Peoples’ rights in the context of projects taking place in or near the lands and waters they use or have traditionally occupied.

The course is aimed at an international audience of social performance and sustainability practitioners and people involved in the governance of projects from public and private institutions. This course is aimed at early career practitioners who have professional experience in infrastructure, energy, mining or oil and gas project development who would like to do them, people who are involved in assessing them, and people with a general interest in the field.

This course is delivered by Community Insights Group (CiG) in partnership with the University of Strathclyde Glasgow.

Entry Requirements

This course has entry requirements, please ensure you meet these before purchasing.

— Bachelor’s degree in any field (or any graduate or post-graduate degree)

— AND —

— Minimum of 2 years professional experience in infrastructure, energy, mining or oil and gas project development


You can register your interest NOW with CiG

Key Learning outcomes

  • Who are indigenous peoples?
  • National and international legal frameworks, standards and indigenous rights in context
  • Consultation and FPIC
  • Impact-Benefit Agreements & Benefit Sharing
  • Indigenous cultural heritage and health impacts
  • ESIAs for projects on indigenous lands and waters
  • Indigenous defenders

What will I receive?

  • Access to our online learning environment, Myplace
  • Certificate for CPD learning
  • Live interactions with experts in the field
  • Access to the course video material and documentation

Information about the course

You can download the PDF brochure