Course description

This CPD course aims to provide theoretical knowledge, as well as numerical and experimental sessions on Seakeeping and Manoeuvring.

The learning outcomes (LO) of this course will include:

Key Learning outcomes

  • Background Theory – In order to understand the inputs, outputs and calculation procedures in a seakeeping and manoeuvring predictions.
  • Calculation Methods – Strip Theory, CFD, common errors, limitations and advantages for Naval Hull forms, validation procedures.
  • Intelligent User – Be able to critically analyse the outputs of a seakeeping and manoeuvring predictions as well as understand what outputs are useful to the designer/customer (RAOs, RMS Values, Operability % etc.)
  • Optimisation to Operability Requirements – How to use the theoretical knowledge and calculation procedures to optimise an hullform to meet operability requirements such as STANAG – 4154.

This course will cover the following topics:

Ship manoeuvrability and its contents

Mathematical model of a ship’s manoeuvring motion

Evaluation of a ship’s manoeuvrability

Ship hull design considerations for a good manoeuvrability

Hands-on: Numerical modelling and calculation of hydrodynamic derivatives

Rudder forces

Rudder design

Course changing and course keeping control

In-class coursework on manoeuvring simulation of a ferry ship

Hands-on: Manoeuvring simulations

Computation methods for seakeeping – from strip theory to CFD

Ship operability and limiting criteria for STANAG – 4154

Lunch and Break

Seakeeping considerations in ship design

Seakeeping analysis of advanced marine vehicles

CFD simulations of seakeeping and manoeuvring

Tutorial on seakeeping and operability analysis by ShipX/Maxsurf

In-class coursework on operability assessment of a catamaran-type Crew Transfer Vessel

Tank testing technologies for marine vessels

Input and output data in a test

Seakeeping test demonstration at KHL (Kelvin Hydrodynamic Laboratory)

What will I receive?

  • Access to our online learning environment, Myplace
  • Access to the course video material
  • Access to documentation, lecture slides and notes

Purchase requirements

Please note that this course is only available to our industry partners using contract codes, and is not available for general purchase.